
Monday, September 14, 2015

Dropping a Bombshell!

OK folks... the Bombshell kickstarter is under way!!

Here's a link:

I believe that it's already fully funded just 12 hours in.  And why not... lots of fun miniatures in the mix!

By the way, the base is from Dragon Forge Designs, sculpted by Cathy!!!

There's even a new version of Kaelee the Mechanic!

Mine is also available here:

Three Amigos, Artizan style.

I believe this set of figures are Artizan Miniatures version of the Earp brothers.

Since they are a smaller scale then the usual Wild West Exodus figure, it will be very easy to distinguish them from the actual posse members.

I am still working up the rules for these deputies, and the kind of triggers needed to activate them in a given scenario.

I thought it would be appropriate to paint a few of them in white coats, just like the WWX counterparts.

Seems like Wyatt is leading the way.

Stay tuned for more from Artizian, as I was able to add a Pony Express rider, and some 'regular' 7th Cavalry miniatures!