
Sunday, August 9, 2015

Charging ahead... starting Monday!

On Monday, Parallax Games begins their kickstarter campaign.

This will involve some very fun miniatures, such as this character.  The concept art and the master print look pretty nice side by side!

I am painting this particular figure right now!

The previous image was the render, so here's the actual cast...

A few more characters.

An interesting mage, with an interesting staff.

Obviously the concept art is very nice!

Which leads to sculpts such as this...

And this beast!  I can't wait to give this one a try.

A sample page from the rules.

Here's a nice march from render-

To painted miniature!  This one won a gold at Reapercon earlier this year.

Let the fun begin!!!

Once the campaign officially begins, I will put a link here for you.

Triple play!

All three of our intrepid heroes are now together, showing off those subtle greens in the skin tones and the leathers.

As I mentioned in the individual posts, the way the musculature was sculpted called for such color choices, as the recessed areas were rather deep.

The greens provided some color interest, but they also provided that color unity which I mention so often.  You will notice that the hints of green are actually quite similar to the leather coverings around their waists.

All of this fancy color depth stuff was tricky, since these colors had to match dozens of previously painted minis, some of which were not even painted by me!

It is in these back views where you really see this demonstrated.

There are some group shots coming that will show about 13 of these type of Red Box Games figs all together.

Conclusion... the view from above.  There are lots of fun things coming this week to the blog.  Vast numbers of painted bases, and even a giant diorama base for that Scale 75 miniature.
Stay tuned!