
Monday, May 25, 2015

Playing the hand you are dealt.

Meet Francesca James!  She's a fun Reaper miniature that I modified a bit with some RJ-1027 and a sniper scope.

She's mighty handy with that shootin' iron.

Best not to be cheating at cards when Fran's around!!!

This was a very fun experiment.  I look forward to making more furniture like this for our WWX games!!

Inside the Citadel

Tonight I have a big set of bases for you that I've been working on for a while.  These are for my Holy Order of Man posse.

This posse is so different from the others in the game, I wanted to create the most distinct style of basing possible.  A ruined temple/citadel look seemed to do the trick.

The blue marble also makes a nice contrast to the white robes of the characters, and to the brown and grey of the standard line troops.

The characters will be going on the more standard flat marble bases.

The line troops, or Spica, have ten different poses.  They tend to be somewhat dynamic, so this left a little more leeway for pillars and such.

I can't wait to see them on these bases!!!

The entire set...

These bases will hold the Sircans, Mimregs, Spica, and even a light support Spear of Light.

Stay tuned for these bases in action!!