
Saturday, May 23, 2015

Tread heads

I thought that some group shots combining the heavy vehicles with some elites and HQ minis might be fun.

Once again, it was impressed upon me just how huge the Armored Conveyor was as it towered over the Myrmidons and even the Altar.

This is some serious firepower, and I'm sure it makes for an interesting view on the table.

There are a few more colossal pieces that will be joining this force, including that insane quad tread ray gun which is now being shown by the Forgeworld folks at various shows.

A touch of powder

The Pink Flamingo nears its completion!!

I happened to see a piece of sprue in one of my containers of basing materials, and thought that it might be fun to do some RJ-1027 conduit reaching up to the marquis.

So, I cut a few pieces and fixed them to the side of the building.

I put a little bit of paint on the sprue, including a few glowing dots of orange.  The metal color was also carried up through the sign itself.

Then it was time for the final touches, the Secret Weapon Powders!

Most of the time, I was working with a mixture of the black and brown pigments.

Along the ground edge of the building, I darkened the corners, but went back with a mix of the brown and light tan.  The idea was to show some dust being kicked up around that lower level.

The upper floors would be just as important.  While this is supposed to be a brightly painted, garish structure, weathering would take place.  I also wanted to keep it in line with the other buildings that I had done.

The roof looks a lot more like all the previous buildings, and the walls and posters don't look like they had just been painted or tacked on five minutes ago!

As before, I used a can of compressed air (like those you would use for cleaning a computer) to shape the dirt and dust patterns,,, or for just getting rid of excess pigments.  I was reminded of why I do this when I blew onto one area, only to have the loose pigment kick up into my eyes. 

Yes, don't try that at home kiddies.

I will take some exterior shots of the finished building while I try and get some furniture ready for the interior!  Stay tuned...