
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The surge continues...

I've had a batch of these done for a while, so it's time to show more examples of brown.

Painting around the hooves is fun... that is, do I go with "socks", or shade them darker.

So, here are a few small group shots:

This one really shows the horse which was painted with the black/skin tone mix.  Very distinct within the confines of "browns".

Stay tuned for more!

Big horse, big guns...

You bet!  Big horse, twisted by magical energy, toting some serious pirated hardware.

This is Stone Fist, the only horse to survive the process of becoming an Energy Beast.

As a result, he can carry the guns of the enemy, which now project the flame of the rage once fired from them.

This is a sidekick figure, I believe, and he can do some very neat things in the game...

I'm definitely looking forward to trying out Stone Fist for myself!

The view from above...

And on a different backdrop.