
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A light in the darkness

This light is shining brightly from the Ladies of Dark Sword Miniatures, one of my favorite miniature lines.

These are a few images featuring figures from their recent kickstarter.  You will find many of them on the Dark Sword website soon!

Each of the sculpts has great composition, detail, and so on.  They will be very fun to paint... as were these:

There is also a great variety in the types of characters you will find there... just about anything you might need for your RPG character.

Oh... and you will find lots of critters too!

The robes are always impeccably sculpted, which makes them excellent candidates for freehand.

A small collection...

Some of the original blisters...

Lots of fun.  Perhaps even a diorama or two like this:

Dashing through the snow

And snow it has here in the Windy City.  Up at 6 am to shovel out the vehicle.  I believe tonight's additional snowfall should equal what we normally get all month.

Still, it's half of what we got last year in the Polar Vortex groin kick, so that's a plus!

Lots of pointy sticks here...