
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A bad hair day?

This very unusual figure is Archmagos Draykavac, part of the Forgeworld Mechanicus line.

I am almost done with the altar section of this piece, which I will post tomorrow night.

Safe to say all the power cables and such can drive a person nuts :-)

It Rages again...

I didn't realize just how many Raging Heroes figures I have around here... many of which were painted for my Adepticon tournament army a few years ago.

I used various Blood Vestals and characters such as this with my Dark Eldar army.

The kickstarter has been live for almost a week now... here it is!

More Dragoons

More and more Dragoons keep getting added onto the original batch...

It's definitely beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

It has certainly snowed enough this spring to bring Santa down early.

It still amazes me how different they look with a slightly different color coat!

And yes, still having fun painting horsies!!

The bird's eye view...

Coming at you!  More coming as well.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Sister power!

Here she is... the second Yi sister from Wild West Exodus.

The kickstarter enters the final day.

Just hours to go!!!!

Painting the Battle Train... Lawman style

With the return from Adepticon not quite achieved, I attempted to get some paint on it prior to our podcast.

The initial layers were simply a mix of black craft paint and some metallics.

These are still early days in the painting process, but I wanted to sketch out some things.

I really was not set on a particular color scheme, but I knew that I wanted it to be a hybrid of what I was doing with both the Lawmen and my Union posses...

So, the markings would definitely have to be a combination of both!

Much more detail will be added as time goes by, but I am working through what might be RJ-1027 glow, weathering, and other items.

Lathan is also working on some rails for this beast, which will truly complete the ensemble.

I will be picking out lots of the rivets, using weathering products, such as Secret Weapon powders, and more.

The interiors have no paint at all, so I will be doing that in the coming days as well.  That will not be easy, as I will have to dig that brush down into those crevices... 

Looking back at an even earlier stage, you can see what the rear cars looked like with no freehand, and no picking out of edges, or anything of the sort.

I knew that it would make a significant difference, but I am really surprised just how much it has!

There will also be a lot of reinforcing of the darker lines, which inevitably get wiped out a bit.  I will also be doing some final layers of dust powders along the bottom sections of each car as well.

I decided that this train should be part of the Union Pacific Railroad, as all of the trains are coming from the Eastern U.S.  These trains will be loaded with all kinds of heavy gear, destined for Wappelville.

After the recent epic battles in town, there will be much that needs to be replacing.  Interceptors, Ur Lawbots, even more of the terrifying air machines!!

Carpathian will not allow such massive amounts of weaponry to get to Wappelville... I think it's quite likely that the dastardly alliance of Carpathian and Jesse will lead to serious carnage on the Rails!!!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Sneaky and cheeky

Number three of the very odd Myrmidons.

You will be seeing some more of them soon.

And the second batch of Thralls... and their HUGE transport.

On the Edge of success!

There are a few kickstarters that are nearing their close in the coming days, and this is certainly one to follow!

It's The Edge, from Awaken Realms.

I have been very impressed by these figures, and they will be very fun to paint.  

I see the opportunity for all kind of fantastic effects.  I am working on one right now, and it has been fantastic!

I enjoy the dramatic posing...

And the unusual creatures!

Here's a few images from the kickstarter itself, which explain some of your pledge options.

I would be sooooooo excited to paint the Ish platform piece.  Wow!

This is a fun side by side which gives you an indication of what could be done later with a few touches of paint. :-)

They continue to come up with stunning new concepts such as this.  Yes, I must be a part of that!

You can also, right here:

Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Dead Shall Rise... courage under fire

The ferocious battle over the body of the slain Outlaw Billy the Kid rages on.

When we last looked in on this titanic struggle, the Preacher and his wife lay dead at the mechanical hands of the dreaded LawBot.

The citizens of Wappelville knew that nothing would stop the Lawmen from training their weapons on their own homes and shops next!

This used to be the General Store...

Looks like the Department of Streets and Sanitation are gonna need a new ride!

Despite the early casualties, Jesse pushed his gang forward, to the very steps of the church.  They advanced through intense rifle fire from the Lawmen ensconced inside and outside of the church.

In fact, one of their number was able to stand right in front of the steps and blast away with his shotgun!  A few blasts from the powerhouse weapon and Pat Garrett himself fell.  This could be a dark day indeed!

To this day, the Lawmen swear that the bullets seems to pass around the shotgun toting Outlaw, which had been fired from point blank range.

They blame the robed stranger, who made odd motions with his hands as they took aim...

With their leader dead, the Lawmen were briefly stunned.  They had to fall back on their intensive training to hold themselves together, despite the deadly onslaught from all directions!

Cole and Jesse found the remains of the General Store to their liking, and they used their deadly accurate marksmanship skills to wipe away one heavy Lawman unit after another.

Things began to look even more bleak for the Lawmen as Apache kid was able to put one arrow after another into Doc Holliday, despite the cover he sought behind the outhouse.

One of the Outlaws attempted to pick up Billy's casket, but was interrupted by one of the rifle hired hands.  In a nasty hand to hand fight, the Outlaw won.

His victory was short lived, however, as he was taken down by the gyrocopter.

Still pinned down by the sniper in the church steeple, Long Tree continued to touch himself... obviously in a way that suited him.  He would gain +4 lifeblood during these later turns.

While the Ironhide vehicle had taken a lot of damage, it was still a huge threat to take away the body of the dead Outlaw.  It must be stopped at all costs!!!

The view from above shows the carnage.  Every skull counter is a fatality.  Many more would be placed where Lawmen stood as the fight grew to even more violent conflagrations...

The Wraith led Long Tree and a hired hand in a stealthy advance around Miss Fannie's House of Horizontal Refreshment.  They hoped that it would go unnoticed by the Lawmen until it was too late.

At long last, the threat of the Ironhide was eliminated, as it went up in flames. 

This only added to the misery of the townsfolk, as all the manure burned with it.  Yuck!

The battle starts to enter its final stages.  Lawmen begin to realize that the Outlaws are also using the chaos to steal away with containers of RJ-1027!  Obviously this is meant to be a down payment to Carpathian for "fixing" Billy.

Dead Eye Danny, as he would be remembered, was implacable in his bell tower redoubt.  Not only did he slow the Outlaw advance, he also killed many of their number before he himself eventually died of his wounds.

He was not the only casualty, as Nickle Back was taken down by the Wraith.  His sacrifice was not in vain, however, as he stood just long enough for an Interceptor to get into position...

Desperation is now the order of the day for the Lawmen.  Most of their number are now dead, including their Boss, and even Deputy Berenger, slain by Jesse himself.

The despicable UR-31 LawBot had also been destroyed... a huge blow to the Lawmen.

Long Tree decided to make one last fateful dash for Billy's coffin.  The hired had with him would be taken down by the Interceptor as soon as they left the burning shell of the Ironhide.

The other Interceptor, which had been guarding the RJ container, was taken down by inexplicable fire from the distant snipers.  Rumor has it that someone in a blood red robe was standing next to them, guiding their aim...

The final act of this drama plays out.  With most of the lawmen gone, they are dealt one last blow.  Doc Holliday is killed!!!

But just as all seems lost, the battered Lawmen rises to his feet... from the dead!  Could this be possible?  What strange medicine could be involved.

Buoyed by this miracle, the Lawmen pledge to fight on, even if all of them die in the process.

Doc Holliday chooses to confront Jesse... one last time.

He beckons the Outlaw to "get a pair" and emerge from his hiding place.

Jesse obliges him, shouting curses and threats all along the way.

They meet at one of the RJ-1027 containers.

This is a clever move by Doc.  He knew that an IronHorse was waiting in the distance to drop some missiles on him.  Not only had he drawn Jesse right next to him, he had gotten the brutal Outlaw boss to stand right next to a very unstable container of red death!

Any weapons fire now would probably wipe out not only them, but the entire town.

Jesse and his remaining crew turned and walked from the town.

However, Jesse made it clear that he would be back.  As many times as it took.

Sleep well, citizens of Wappelville.