
Monday, December 15, 2014

Bark with bite

A few new tree bark bases for you!

This is a medium size Wild West Exodus base.  The skull, as always, is from Secret Weapon.

The is a large size base, meant for big critters, interceptors, and other lighter vehicles.

Here's a few 32mm small base for standard sized characters.  The snake is made from sculpey.

All three together for a size comparison.

This view shows three of the large bases together, with some added branches!

The view from above shows even more texture!

I absolutely LOVE painting these.  There is no shortage of wonderful textures, and I can work in a wide range of greens, umber, tan, sienna and more.

Spreading out all five for a better look at the vertical textures.

One last image!

Riding a razorback

Finally, a collection of all the Mierce Miniatures Beastmen!

This is a very fun group shot.  I really enjoy troops and heavy cavalry combined like this.

It definitely makes for some dramatic posing!

It also lets me get a sense of scale.

Now on a different backdrop, which might show some of the subtle variations in the browns a little more.

Lots of little details going on with each figure.

Ready for war!

Stay tuned for more Mierce beasties...