
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Two birds are better than one...

Back to Red Box Games!

This priestess/shamaness was very interesting.  Quite dainty, which meant I had to be very subtle with the use of the darks.

I made frequent use of mixing regular paints with the washes to create those semi transparent colors for the mid tones!

Pitter patter of hooves

Well, these certainly aren't reindeer!

A batch of Beastmen from Mierce Miniatures.

Each one is a very distinctive sculpt, as opposed to a collection of similar parts.

I think these could really fill out a command rank in a Beastman army quite nicely.

I also tried to get some variations in the skin tones on each beastman.  Not quite as much as the rhinos, but subtle things here and there.

I have some more shots of these on the larger backdrop with the boar rider, which are very fun!

So stay tuned!!!