
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Penny for your thoughts

Yes, these tanks are pretty tiny!  The penny in the shot above should give you a good idea of that. :-)

More finished shots for you.

And a comparison to the desert scheme.

Next up, a set of tanks with some foliage camo on them.

I am also working on some flame thrower versions.

Who shall lead them?

Back to Red Box Games!

The armor was fun to paint on this guy.  Very interesting shapes, which allowed me to do some fun things with shading.

And with some of his buddies!

Sitting down on the job

One more Hired hand from the Lawmen faction.

When you get the set of ten Hired Hands, you get ten unique poses... five of the long range riflemen, and five pistol packing baddies.  That is very nice when you get down to painting them!

This was certainly unique pose!  I remember using this shooting position when I was going through my various sharpshooting levels at scout camp.  Definitely more stable than the kneeling position.

The view from above.  Obviously I couldn't resist putting him on the log base. :-)

Speaking of the other poses, here are three more joining him.

More to come!