
Saturday, August 9, 2014

The bark is better than the bite

The bases are now fully painted!  I have also added a few strategically placed tufts of grass form Army Painter.

Now they are all set for GenCon and the Demonstration tables/Wild West Exodus booth!

Hopefully I will get a chance to paint some on these guys during that time.  I will also be getting lessons in playing the game.

I have some other unpainted bases that I will be bringing, along with basing materials to make more!

The newest set...

As I painted these, I tried to think about the colors that I would be using on the figures.  These will be a tad bit warmer, with more reddish browns.  That will contrast in a subtle way with the greenish grays and browns of the bases.

I do like how the dried foliage looks once painted!

Just starting to put together a simple costume for the Wild West Exodus booth.  Nothing fancy.

A checkered past...

To make this Castellax a little different from the first one, I thought it would be fun to do some tried and true checker patterns.

Nothing very difficult, but it does take a little bit of planning.  By making the lines the way I have here, it makes it far easier to ensure even spacing!

That was something I learned the hard way a few times :-)  You can see the basic patterns now, which will be highlighted and shaded, as well as weathered, later on.

Highlights done, so time for glazing!

Just like I did with the last piece, a variety of blue/black glazes were applied.

With the glazes finished, I set about working those midtone areas.

I will put the fluorescent glow on the back of this guy just like the first one.

Most of the middle tones in shape.  I still want to do some more tinting there, and then some final highlights.