
Friday, August 8, 2014

Something to stand on...

Time to paint the bases!!  But first, let's see what the miniatures look like on them.

The tree bark is such a flexible and multi use material, I was able to make these bases without even looking at the figures!  I did try to keep in mind certain types of 'footprints', such as wide stance, closed and so on.

Nothing complicated on the paint choices.  Some high density pigments, which will be mixed with the Badger primer.

You can see the blob of primer with some of the other colors mixed in.  This will give it the coverage on a surface that is more absorbent than most, and even provide some stability to the structure of the base.

As usual, some warmer colors, and some cooler colors.

You can see that I worked quickly, allowing the paint to mix on the surface.  No drybrushing at all here.  Just make sure that you vary the colors!

The initial layers of paint applied.

This is more of a close up view.  Note the big swirls of color.  I am using one of the beat up craft brushes, which actually makes it more like a filbert brush.

I will now allow these to dry for a bit, and then do some more refined applications of highlights... and then some Glazing!!! Stay tuned.

The Razor's edge

I have been very eager to take pictures of the Razorwing using the giant backdrops, since I have not gotten any kind of decent pictures of this piece before!

I started with the standard blue fade to get the best sense of the colors.

If you go through the Dark Eldar section of the blog, you will see lots of WIP images of how this was built, painted, and so on!

You have seen the pattern emerge on the Venoms.  I enjoyed doing the pattern more and more with the increasing size of the vehicles.  Wait until you see the Raider. :-)

The organic and curved nature of this plane lent itself to the filbert brush technique quite well.  The broad flat surface covered areas so quickly, I was able to wet blend.  Using the curved edges of the filbert, I could really take advantage of this scenario!

It's too bad this thing spent the entire tournament being shot down on the turn it arrived...

Still, it was a lot of fun painting it!

I forgot just how huge this was when I went to use one of the standard size backdrops.  Even there, it was just to freakin' big!

In those WIP posts, you will also see how I magnetized the missiles, since I had planned on changing the type of missiles depending on what sort of list I was going to run.

I never played these guys again after the tournament.  Way too frustrated with the state of 40k.  It's only been more magnified since.

I have not had a chance to process the images of this Razorwing on the other backdrop, so I will probably do that over the weekend!