
Monday, June 23, 2014

Stu strikes again!

I don't know where he keeps finding them, but Stu Has another 'lady friend'.

Maybe he heard the screams as the zombies closed in...

And then decided to pop a cap in some Zombie brains!

Uh, oh... Da Preacha man is at it again too.

There'll be no funny business on Preacha Man's watch.

Those zombies don't stand a chance!

From Kislev with love

This was a figure I originally made for my Adepticon army.  He was intended to be Chenkov, until I went with a Raging Heroes figure instead.

It had been so long since I made the conversion, I forgot that I used a WFB Kislev miniature and some I.G. bits!  His color scheme really matched the Highland Guard pretty well, so I will shoot some pictures of them together.

He is also here: