
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A day at Draxtar

A slight shift of plans over the weekend.  I had the studio all packed up and ready to go, but the location changed suddenly.  

Scott came up with the idea of visiting the folks at Draxtar Games, out in Batavia.  So, we loaded up the vehicle, and were on our way.

First, it was very nice to see some old faces from the Bunker!  Gregg, Mike, Homer and more!  It's been years in some cases!

Speaking of cases, there is a wide array of painted goodness in this one!  Fantastic work, covering a wide variety of game systems.

And there are plenty of hobby supplies to be had at Draxtar.  It was hard to fit them all in one image!  Vallejo, Privateer Press, GW, Secret Weapon and more!

You need minis?  How about a wall of Reaper figures.

Tons of other stuff as well, such as the X-Wing and Trek craze.

Oh, and Flames of War!  Nifty!

As you can see, wide open, nicely lit, easy to see, paint and play.

Yes, places to play.  Full size gaming tables with lots of fantastic terrain.

Remember the paint bar?  Well, this is about as close as you can get to those glory days.  Even better, I think.

So, thanks again to Scott, and to Draxtar!
A link:

Stowing away some Secret Weapon

I have been compiling and saving a bunch of stuff for a special project... putting stowage on a Secret Weapon tank.

I did some google searching for some ideas...

That's quite a load!

In addition to the RAV 6 x 6 tank from Secret Weapon, I have a variety of items.  I have some sandbags from Secret Weapon, some Highland Guard bits from Victoria miniatures, as well as model tank bits from Tamyia and even some metal pieces from Reaper Miniatures!

I wanted to have a tank commander, so that meant carefully shaving off the top of the hatch.

Applying the first of the sandbags.

I had to make sure that the sandbags didn't interfere with the heavy bolter/heavy flamer... and even the main turret!

Stuff is starting to pile up!

I also want to have some Victoria Mniatures Highland Guard sitting on the outside of the tank as well.

This view shows you some of the GW bits I had been saving.

Much more to come!  I will also be 'wetting down' the sandbags so that they sit a little more naturally.  I didn't want to do that until everything was glued on.  Stay tuned!!