
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Huzzah!!! Finished!

Yes!  Finished!  The Minx Studio Minotaur ready to go.

Things you have not seen along the way were the chain, which was painted separately, and the marble on the plinth.  That particular kind of plinth is my favorite from Secret Weapon Miniatures.

I had to be very careful with the marble colors.  Too much of a contrast, or too busy, and it begins to overpower the figure!  So, I went with a series of muted greens... mostly the same colors I used on the rocks.

I knew that the marble pattern could flow with the rocks, so I was not worried about that.  It was far more preferable than a simple black or brown color!

I also thought that the marble veins would reflect the action of the swinging chain.

Not long now before the kickstarter goes live!!!!!!!!

He is also on CoolMiniOrNot here:

Getting there

The Minx Studio Minotaur is getting closer and closer to completion!  I think today will do the trick.

I have been working back into the midtones with the semi transparent layers of paint.  From there, I work a bit lighter still.

This is also the stage where I introduce some 'opposing' colors.  For example, I increased the amount of yellow on the bow, but also more green on the quiver.

That contrasted with all of the reddish colors nicely, and also served to bring some of the cooler gray colors up from the rocks/ground.

I also introduced some more light colors on the horns and face.

More refinement to come, and then it will be time to add flock, grass, etc!