
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Heading out West in a great Exodus

Here's an unboxing post showing the goodies inside the Wild West Exodus starter box.  It is a very impressive haul!  This is a view of the starter box...

Everything is wrapped up inside quite nicely!

So much stuff inside!  Counters, cards, rulers, templates, pocket rule book... everything you would need to set up and play right out of the box.

Some of the special characters and the light warbikes are in resin.  I will get to the assembly of these when I get back, and show you what that's all about.  The same goes for the plastic troops.  It all looks like it will go together very well.

A close up of the Lawmen plastic sprue and the cards.  If you get some card protectors, you will be good to go!

Now for the Outlaws.  Again, plenty of fun stuff.  Theses are not the only factions.  There is the Union faction, the Warrior Nations, the Enlightened, and Mercenaries.

A close up of the dice, templates, and counters.  Very cool.

Now for some examples of the incredible miniatures (these are not painted by me BTW! can't take credit for that).  These are from the Union Faction.

Friggin huge!

Even more huge!  Very nice resin kits.  I look forward to painting the Wild West miniatures over the course of this year.  Stay tuned for more.

Cleansing Fire: Sisters of the Raven

You have seen many permutations of the RAV 6 x 6 from Secret Weapon Miniatures... and here is yet another.

Utilizing the converted heavy flamer turret from the previous post where it was used as a Hellhound, I turned it into an Immolator tank.

The extra armor skirts are magnetized, making it an ideal platform for this special Sisters of Battle transport.

It is quite believable that 5 Celetians, Dominions or Retributors could be hanging out inside one of these with their flame throwing goodness!

Once again, the flexibility of this vehicle means more cost savings, but sacrificing none of the good looks!

But wait... there's more!  I painted a twin-linked heavy bolter option.  Certainly just as convincing.

That weapon mount is just as fun to paint as all the rest.

I used the same converted turret to place that weapon option as in the previous post.

Again, there are a ton of weapon options and combinations... more than I could ever show here!

If you want to get in on the multiple use action... see Mr. Justin and all the great stuff he has in his Secret Weapon Miniatures website!