
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Not quite a mystery this time

Here is a practice figure that I painted a while back for the upcoming female Guard army.  I believe this is an old Excalibur figure.  I know for sure that it was sculpted by Werner Klocke! :-)

I have a few of these.  They are very neat.  It was easy to prep and paint, like a typical Reaper figure.  I also had a lot of fun with some subtle greens.  I even used a very high chroma 'toxic' green in some areas to create some differences in color gradations.

She is also on ebay right now...

Keep your hands off my loot!

Here's something fun!  It's another Reaper miniature, based on one of the examples I created in the Wood Basing video.  There were ten basing videos in all.  This particular title shows how to make wood bases, barrels and chests out of baked sculpey.

The coins were made by slicing thin wafers out of polystyrene tubing.

It certainly sets the scene for the miniature!!!

She is also on ebay: