
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Here there be Demons

More from the week that would not end :-)  This time, it was painting the demon marble base, which was a lot of fun.

It is a tad bit easier to paint one base than hundreds of these for an entire army (I should know, since I have been doing that for the last few years!), but it is very satisfying.

Had some fun using the Secret Weapon washes on this one and the mosaic tile video!

Watch your step!!

Next to the sample base...

Some like it hot...

Watch your step... it gets pretty toasty if you fall!

Yes, more from the Basing Bonanza.

At least I didn't have to clean up shards of sculpey and gravel over and over! :-)

That base looks hot...

Same for the Vestals.

But wait... more bases for giant spiders!

My handy notepad of doom, with scribbles that let me know how long each segment is, so that I can glance at it while filming subsequent parts.  This lets me have a general idea of how long I might have for each one, since the planned shots are already written down.
