
Friday, July 19, 2013

There's a first time for everything!

As you already know from my previous posts on these bikes, I have never even painted the regular bikes, much less the Forgeworld versions.  So, there is a learning curve!

Here are some WIP images of the first bike.  What made these even more of a challenge was the color scheme, since it was White Scars!  That meant a bit of a change from my normal approach.

Fortunately, when I worked on the Pre Heresy White Scars infantry, I introduced a little more red.  I thought that it really needed such an accent.

With the first bike completed, I am even more glad I chose that route.  I will post the finished images tomorrow.

The bases were nice, as usual, since they are from Dragonforge Designs!

First set of finished images

OK folks!  Here is a huge collection of images that I shot of the completed weathering.

I am also working on all the additional weapons that come with this Secret Weapon Miniatures tank.

Once I have all those, I will post the images of the plasma cannon, multilaser, heavy flamer, and so on...

This is by far the most weathering I have ever done on a vehicle.  I did more than I normally would so that I could show more in the weathering video.

It's very late right now, and I am very exhausted, so I think the rest of the way I will just let the images do the talking!