
Sunday, July 14, 2013


I have been working on many scores of historical minis over the last few months.  Most of that has been 'grunt' work, all the basing, prepping, magnetizing, shaded basecoats, etc.

As I was waiting for some huge files to transfer after filming, I did some finish work on more horses...

Here are two of them.

It is strange how similar, yet different, these are to work on.  If they were sculpted by someone who was NOT a former GW employee, it would not be so odd.  I could almost use these horses for Rohan riders in Lord of the Rings.

More to come!

Walking the plank(s)

Ironically, the reason this figure was painted was to provide an example of one of the wood plank bases being used.  As I mentioned before, I am trying to have as many practical examples of the various bases as I can for the basing videos.

So, I sawed this Reaper pirate figure from the base, and put her on the planks!

Yes, I am strange.  Painting a mini just to show off a base... and not the other way around.

Yar. :-)