
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Someone just made a bloody mess...

Time for some more blood 'n gore!

This figure is the fantasy version of Gluttony from Raging Heroes.  Combining that with the new corpses from Secret Weapon was the final touch!

I noticed that when I mixed my 'regular' paints with the Secret Weapon washes, I got some nice colors.  Normally, mixing them with GW washes makes them much more dull.  In this case, I was mixing very light colors with the washes.

I mixed in the paints with washes like the Algae, Armor wash, and the Blue.

I also mixed them in with the Dried blood wash.  So, something new to put in the memory banks!!

And now for the figure:

This was very fun to paint!  I was very eager to see the figure and the base together...

There you have it!  A real Bloody Mess.  All set for the video.

Be sure to check out the Raging Heroes kickstarter!

Bloodbaths made easy... Secret Weapon bag 'o corpses

Here's a brand new product from Secret Weapon that came out just in the nick of time!

We unveil the Sack 'o corpses, which is chock full gory (but very handy!) pieces and parts.

They are just right for converting miniatures, or in my case, adding to bases!

Here you see some of them added to a Raging Heroes Gluttony figure, which I am using for the "Bloody Mess" painting video.

Oh yeah, and they are not to shabby for your Zombiecide hordes, either!!!

Here is the base for the Bloody Mess video.  Yes, it is quite a mess!

Severed heads are fun, but having a full range of chopped up and ripped up parts was fantastic.

Many thanks to Justin and the good folks at Secret Weapon for producing such a great product!  I will be posting images of a few miniatures decorated with the Sack 'o corpses bits tomorrow!

A quick edit here to acknowledge that the blog has surpassed 900,000 page views!!!  Many thanks to everyone who has taken the time to visit this Mansion of Mini painting Madness :-)