
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sorry, Charlie :-)

I don't think that many people will get that reference, but here is Charlie from Raging Heroes!!

He is part of the Kurganova Sisters set.  I will have those images later.

He's a very fun little mini, and fiercely loyal!  And he likes a good smoke.

The Raging Heroes kickstarter draws ever nearer.  They have put up some more information on their site about what is coming!  Go check that out.

Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?

OK!  The wolf mini for the "Painting Fur" video is complete.  It's always fun to paint critters!

I used several Secret Weapon washes in combination with some Vallejo glazes, with very fun results.  

I was putting down glazes, and then wiping away parts of them with either a clean brush or some tissue, just like my old watercolor days!  I really enjoy that. :-)  I had a blast mixing in greens and even purples onto this figure...

This is a wolf from Gamezone, normally used for goblin wolf riders.  

It worked very well for this video, which made me happy!!

Painting the base set for Abbadon and Loki

These Primarch sets from Forgeworld have some very interesting stuff going on with the bases.  Each one seems to be more 'interlocking' than the next.

Figuring out how all these bases were supposed to go together was much like making a puzzle.  They have to slide into the slots, which means you can't have any sort of basing material around that back edge.

Also, the main base section is much smaller than the giant flying base.  I filled in that area with oxide paste, some sculpey pieces, skulls from Secret Weapon, and even some razor wire!

Here are a few pictures of the base as it was yesterday morning.  I had done lots of dark glazing and tinting with many washes from Vallejo and Secret Weapon in combination.  The rust and corrosion was also applied.

My next stage will be to add some middle tones and then the final highlights

There are some parts of this where I will be using powdered pigments, since I think this could be a perfect laboratory for the effects I want.

This image shows those separate base elements...

And, finally, to a blog that frequently shows links to my own blog posts.  They peruse the blogosphere each week, and post "Gems of the Week".  This can be painted minis, sculpts, terrain, and so on... even tutorials.

They have been kind enough to feature something from my blog almost every week, bit every so often I get the main picture, as happened this week with the Raging Heroes Dark Elf!