
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Polystyrene tubing and sculpey in action

I needed some bases for one of the freehand videos, and here are some images of the process.

The bulk of the bases are baked sculpey, as usual.  You can also see the polystyrene tubing.  It makes very nice conduits.  I normally use a few different gauges.  

You can also bend the tubing for some interesting angles.

The tubing is very easy to bend.  Just be sure to vary your angles !

A few pieces are glued in place.  Once the glue dries, I snip off the excess.

An image showing one of the packages of tubing.

For rivets, I slice of very thin pieces of the heavier tubing.  Using a very sharp and pointy exacto knife, they are glued in place.

The bases are just about ready!  You can see many more articles on basing in that section of the blog.  All kinds of fun stuff!

A little hint at what's going on the bases. :-)  The next post will show you the base I painted for the test figure of the first freehand video... stay tuned!

A practice Mantis warrior

Here's one more practice Raging Heroes Mantis demonette for the video.  These are definitely some fun flesh tones!

The bases were a design that I sculpted for CoolMini as part of the Groundwerks line.

Here she is with one of her sisters!

Their kickstarter is coming soon... keep some pennies saved!

Mantis demonettes for flesh tone videos

Much more prepping of minis today.  Among the mass of metal, resin and plastic, I finalized the Mantis warriors from Raging Heroes, which will be used for the demonette flesh tone video.

Here are some bases for them...

There are not a lot of parts to deal with to get the Mantis assembled.  Typically one arm and the head.  You can interchange the heads from one mini to the next if you wish.

I used some oxide paste to fill in the areas around the chaos bases.

These Skaryaa figures are being used to demonstrate copper/bronze NMM.  There are many different ways to assemble them.  You can have the shield, a second sword, or have her pointing.

I have used a great deal of magnets on the undersides of these bases!  At least I know they are strong enough to hold the miniatures to the sheets of metal I have on the empty paint jars :-)

The Mantis figures primed, as are the bases.

Same for the Skaryaa, Blood Mistress. 

I have the last practice Mantis miniature painted, so I will post images of her tomorrow!