
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Girl power! A classic from Dark Sword

Here's one of those 'uncovered' Dark Sword figures!  Another grand old figure sculpted by Dennis Mize.

Another break from terrain... Ladies from Ral Partha/Iron Wind Metals

Before I post some images of the 40k fortifications with some marines in them, I have some more of those 'recovered' images to show.  In fact, there are many more Ral Partha and Dark Sword minis to come from the Archive...

At least I think these are from RP/IW.  I remember snagging a big batch of minis on ebay many years ago that had a massive variety of figures which were almost entirely unknown to me.

Some of them are more recognizable, such as these ladies.

I have some unusual creatures coming in the next day or two that I unearthed!

As always, stay tuned!!

Finishing up the fort

After abandoning the windy brush for the hairy sticks, I set about to finish this the 'old fashioned' way.

I took Catlthan brown and mixed that with Reaper grey liner to do a combination of darker shading and rust/weathering.  I didn't want to get too crazy with it.  If I had more dullcoate around, I might have even used some weathering powders...

I focused on making streaks of rust and stains, which I thought would show up nicely with the angle I had cut the walls.  The extra rivets came out well, and the cereal box plating stood up equally as well to pretty watery paint.

After all the weathering was done, as well as the door, I used the grey liner pant to create the cracks in the concrete sections...

Close up on the door:

Zombie Attack!  How did he get in?!