
Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Great Resin Hulk: more WIP shots of the Plague Hulk

After many hours of discussions and consulations, we have made some adjustments to the 'yet to be submitted' Kickstarter proposal.  It does mean that I have many hours of creating new graphics ahead of me tonight, however.  The learning curve is quite steep, especially when you are doing something that is relatively unique, as we are.  All those examples we looked at really don't translate all that well to our own specifics.

Anyway, enough of that!  Here are some more shots of the Hulk itself.  And man, was this a giant hunk of solid resin!  I was so worried that it was going to collapse the legs when I put it all together!

You will see what I did with that later.  For now, we have a few pics that illustrate that Shaded Basecoat thing. :-)

I think I even used a bit of fluorescent magenta on the pinks.  I am pretty sure that I mixed in some Fluorescent yellow with my green for the slime!

After this stage, I spent many hours glazing and tinting away!

More news as it comes in...

Having a leg to stand on: starting to paint the Plague Hulk

I will be continuing with the Plague Hulk project here as I continue my efforts to figure out the Kickstarter proposal.  There were enough unexpected elements involved that adjustments had to be made.  It would also help if the "save" button truly meant save (sorry to blow off steam there!)

Anyway, back to the painting.  I should mention that all these images are near the end of that "shaded basecoat" stage.  At this point, my main goal is to have color everywhere, so that I can judge how light or dark I want something to be.

For example, if something is primed white, and you only paint little parts of it at a time, even a relatively light color, such as fortress grey, is going to appear very dark.  If the mini is primed black, that same color will seem very bright!

So, I try to eliminate that effect by starting out with that all important middle tone.

When I used to teach my pastel classes, I would demonstrate this concept with 3 different colors of pastel paper (light, middle tone, and dark).  It had a very dramatic effect!  It is something I plan to do on the Shaded Basecoat DVD.  It will be in that first 20 minute segment where I discuss what the technique is, and why I use it, the benefits, etc.

When I am painting these initial greens, for example, I try to have a few different kinds of green on my palette.  Some more yellow green, some that are practically teal, etc.  This promotes the variations in colors that would not be possible if I were to dab away at small, isolated parts of the figure.

It's even more important when you are working on monstrosities such as this!

Well, that's it for now folks.  This busy day has gotten 3 times busier, so I must try to put out all these fires with my empty can of diet Root Beer...

Feel like the Plague? Creating the Plague Hulk

As I spend a very late night battling with the Kickstarter proposal, I have dredged up something from the archives... making a Nurgle Plague Hulk.

So, after lots of scrubbing down of the resin parts, I attached them to the plastic kit.  It was clear that I needed to "Nurglize" those parts!

So, out came the green stuff... mixing more yellow than blue.  As I did with the Decimator, I added alots of pustules and other nasty stuff!!

After the green stuff cured, I added some oxide paste to realy get some nice corrosion going.  This also adds some extra strength to joints, as you will see in later posts.

I never thought that the oxide paste was something I would use on anything else besides bases or terrain!!  It never hurts to experiment, I guess :-)

Well, it looks like the battle with the proposal will have to resume later.  My head is hurting...