
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Watch your step... chaos everywhere!

Well, primer and paint are drying, Apoxy sculpt is setting up (yes nother base insert!), so it's time for the conclusion of the chaos base.

Using the yellow heavy mix of green stuff, I had set a big blob on the top surface of the rocks and created the ovals.  Fron the edge of each oval, I used my tool to stretch the material out away from the oval.  By keeping the tool wet, and having a stickier mix, the long slender pulled texture of green stuff managed to stick to a somewhat slippery surface.

In the previous post, I also had a few bases with this kind of texture.  I began with a pointed blob, and used a flat sculpting tool to create the "ribs".

The edges of the ribs are smoothed out, and I get some more blobs and holes to match the surrounding effects on the bottom of the base.

These "blobs" could be painted a few ways... even as eyeballs!

Going back the "principle of threes", I need one more oval on the top surface to offset the previous two that were sculpted.

Some tiny holes added so that all three match...

I put another set of blobs and pulled texture on the far side of the base for some balance...

And then added some pustules.  A chaos base without pustules? Inconceivable.

After seeing all the pustules n my primary texture area, I felt that balance required a few pustules on the far side.

Some oxide paste, a few rocks, and there you go!!

Coming up... a little trench warfare.

It's pure chaos! Strange rocks...

All right!  Another 80 mm base insert.  This time, I have to make one to match my set that I sculpted a few years ago.  the set was modeled after a base that Cathy created for one of her Golden Demon entries in 2007.

The rocky part was made with tinfoil and apoxy sculpt, just like the last two designs.  Once that had set up completely, it was time to get crazy with chaos!  Out came the green stuff.  I mix a bit more yellow than blue, so that the mix is a little softer and more pliable.

To re-create the textures from the original bases, start by blocking out the 'sores' or whatever you want to call the ovals.

Once the ovals are in, I use my tool to create some small holes.

On the other side of the base, it's time to extend the chaosy bits over the top of the rocks...

I use one of my tools to spread out the original blob, pulling it out from the center.

More little holes are created with the same tool...

And filled in with little balls of green stuff.

It's just about time to extend that piece over the larger face of the rock...

An even bigger blob of green stuff (heavy on the yellow mix) is spread out, and I start sculpting the ovals.

And once again pulling the green stuff away from those ovals.

Stay tuned for the exciting finale!!!!

From kitchens to bathrooms... luxurious marble tile!

Well, maybe not.  But, it is a fun type of base to create, and it can look really neat!

By now, most of you are very familiar with the process.  Start with cork, and put a layer of baked sculpey on top.

I set a smaller chunk of sculpey in the open area instead of the cork...

Just like the skull base, I want to draw out my pattern...

Time to start carving and scribing!  Just like our previous base design, the depth of your cuts is very important.

Here I am using my trusty carving tool!

Some early results.  You can see that I did the smaller tiles in the pattern first.  I found that this is the best approach.

Once the entire basic pattern has been carved in it is time to put in all the cracks and missing tiles.

I used the metal scribe tool that you saw on the skull base to put in those finer, shallower cracks.

Once all the carving is finished, it is time to put down the sand and gravel!

Here are some images of the previous bases I made for this set.  Fun to paint!!!