
Sunday, November 11, 2012

This figure from Coolminiornot has a ton of uses.  Obviously there are many Warhammer applications, and even some Role Playing uses.  For me, I would be tempted to use it for some Lord of the Rings... maybe a Barrow wight or a spirit.

Forgeworld Empire Command: part one

This morning we have the first of a trio of Empire command figures from Forgeworld.  As with everything else, it is in Altdorf scheme.  I guess I will be stuck with Red and Blue for a while. :)

Doing some SE-NMM every now and then is fun, however!  More to come...

Using Raging Heroes bits to make an Incubus

Here is that Incubus test I promised.  The metal parts are left over from my Raging Heroes Archon.

I used some plasticard to create the Klaive.  The body and torso are from the standard Kabalite warrior kit. I was very glad that this test worked out, since some boxes of Kabal warriors had been generously donated to the cause.  I may even substitute a small squad of these for the Archon court.

I still have one more extra head from that Raging Heroes figure, so I will be making one more of these using that bit.  The rest will use various Kabal bits in different combinations.