
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Reach out and touch someone: Angels Solarus Dreadnought

Here's another set of images on a Dreadnought form the Angels Solarus Blood Angel splinter chapter.

As I have mentioned in previous posts, this was not the easiest color scheme to paint on any of the miniatures, but all the vehicles were even more challenging!

Plague Coptas! Slime kites?

I have painted some unusual figures in the last 12 years, but these were definitely in the running for the most bizarre. :-)

This was the first time that I used the fluorescent paints to enhance a 'flesh' tone... in this case, using the magenta to make the soreness around the pustules really be toxic and inflamed.  I was very happy with that, so it's something I will definitely try again.

I had restricted the Fluorescents to glowing effects or toxic slime, with the occasional use on NMM, which I will be doing on the Easterling Black Dragon armor...

It was also fun to develop some new color combos, mixing sky blue with certain camo greens, and contrasting those by mixing bright yellows with browns and olive drab colors.