
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Storm of Magic cockatrice

I painted this mini for a contest last summer, not long after the miniature was released.  I attempted to give it as much of a lizardman theme as I could, especially with the base.  I did a lot of searching around on the web for cockatrice images, and was led to many Mayan sites.

There were some that had a more muted set of colors, but the majority had the wild scheme that you see here.  Besides, it did fit my very colorful army quite well!

Now for the images:





It was not always easy to get all of the transitions to go as desired, given the extreme contrast of the colors.  The mini was a fun challenge, however!

Interview on the Ohiohammer podcast today

Well, today the good folks at Ohiohammer put up Episode 14 of their podcast, which included some neat stuff.  It also included an interview I had done with them a while back.  Since then, I had only heard a 5 minute version edited down for the Adeotpticon site. 

This version was the entire conversation, which got pretty wild towards the end! It is always a bit unusual to hear a recording of your own voice.

There was certainly a wide range of topcis covered during that call.

Here is a link:

More images of Terradons

Here are some images of my converted terradons.  The terradons themselves are old I-Kore minis from the VOID range.  The guys riding them were a lot like Catachans (called Viridians). 

All it took was to add some skinks to to top, and a flock of terradons is born!  I painted each one a different color justfor fun, but I did get a lot of questions as to why I did so.  Not long after the movie Avatar was released, and each of the flying creatures in that movie were a different color!




